Welcome to BlueBoard's web site

The bridge in Bilbao next to Guggenheim MuseumBlueBoard is the bridge between business and technologies.

We are specialized in providing professional IT services for businesses. Our integrated services are designed for better collaboration, operational cost reduction, and implemented with top-notch technologies.

Have you ever ...?

... tried to collaborate using useless technologies?

... lost all of your e-mails, and your inbox is full of spam?

... had sleepless nights trying to figure out what a "good web site" means?

make sure you will sleep well

Now it is easy ...

Get a domain name - your property in the Internet.

Get BlueBoard Corporate E-Mail for efficient and safe communication with your partners.

Get BlueBoard SiteBuilder to explain to the world who you are.


Perfection (in design) is achieved not when there is nothing to add, but rather when there is nothing more to take away.

Work smarter, but not harder.

Let computers do the routine tasks, and free your creativeness.