Keeps your web site visitors updated
To keep web site visitors updated BlueBoard SiteBuilder utilizes RSS and automatically creates corresponding files every time when new or updated content is published.
RSS is a family of XML file formats for Web syndication used by (among other things) news websites and weblogs. The abbreviation is used to refer to the following standards:
- Rich Site Summary (RSS 0.91)
- RDF Site Summary (RSS 0.9 and 1.0)
- Really Simple Syndication (RSS 2.0.0)
The technology of RSS allows Internet users to subscribe to websites that have provided RSS feeds; these are typically sites that change or add content regularly.
The RSS formats provide web content or summaries of web content together with links to the full versions of the content, and other meta-data. This information is delivered as an XML file called an RSS feed, webfeed, RSS stream, or RSS channel. In addition to facilitating syndication, RSS allows a website's frequent readers to track updates on the site using an aggregator.
Wikipedia about RSS
Wikipedia about aggregator